Cameron Lee, a beloved son and friends has passed away. He died after a deadly shooting in Greensboro. As a result of the shooting death of a man who was 24 years old on Thursday afternoon, the Greensboro Police Department is conducting an active investigation into a homicide.
The 3600 block of Hewitt Street was the location where officers responded to a complaint of a “unknown problem/person down” at approximately 2:44 p.m. to investigate the situation. Cameron Lee was found lifeless at the site, having incurred injuries from what seemed to be a shooting.
Lee was unable to recover from his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene of the incident, despite the fact that life-saving procedures were initiated. According to the authorities, Lee’s death is being investigated as a homicide, which suggests that it was an exclusive occurrence. The fact that “there are no suspects at large,” as stated in the police reports, indicates that the investigators feel the incident did not constitute a continuing threat to the community.
As a result of this horrific event, Greensboro has experienced 36 homicides in the year, which has raised concerns about the safety of the surrounding neighbourhood. As the investigation into the event continues, the Greensboro Police Department is requesting that anyone who may have information regarding the incident come forward during this time.