Gabriel Mersy affectionately known as Gabe, a resident of Chicago, Illinois, and a computer science PhD student in the ChiData group at the University of Chicago working with Sanjay Krishnan has reportedly passed away. The circumstances surrounding Gabriel Mersy cause of death have not been made available at the time of this publication. No official statement has been released by the family or the University at the time of this report.
About Gabriel Mersy
Gabriel Mersy was a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and a beloved son and brother. He was a computer science PhD student in the ChiData group at The University of Chicago working with Sanjay Krishnan. He graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. While there, he worked on computational social science, machine learning, and statistical sampling research.
He was interested in the intersection between sustainable computing, data systems, and machine learning. Broadly, his current research focuses on developing systems that track and reduce carbon emissions throughout the life cycle of data. Gabe also work on approximation techniques with error guarantees, such as lossy compression and probabilistic data structures. Gabe was an alumnus of Washburn High School and was in a relationship with Izabella Raleigh. He was a brother to Nathaniel Mersy and a son to Barb Mersy.