Savannah Wolf, a resident of Springfield, Illinois, and a beloved mother of five beautiful children has passed away suddenly. She was announced dead in a social media statement that says “Rip Savannah Wolf. Such a sweet person, full of energy and a contagious smile! Could always light up the room no matter where you were. Received the news earlier and that one really hurt. My condolences go out to the kids and her family. I am so sorry to hear that. She truly was one of a kind.”
Who was Savannah Wolf?
Savannah Wolf was a native of Mackinaw, Illinois, and a graduate of ICC. She was a ray of sunshine for everyone and she needed it most. Even when no one else was in a good mood, her voice, sense of humor, and smile that ended every sentence like a period, never allowed anyone to be in a bad mood.
Savy was an unapologetically genuine and kind even to those who weren’t to her. She was a beloved resident of Springfield, Illinois, and a beloved mother of five beautiful children. She was a loved and cherished by her sister and brother and her parents adore her. Savannah will be deeply missed by her family and friends.